Monday, February 27, 2012

What a Find!

So I went to the FHL in Salt Lake and only had time to research one film but apparently I chose the right film! I started looking at Film 1036363 that has Citizen of Potawatomi Land Allotments, Annuity Rolls and 1891 Census. As I began scrolling through, I found my family! They were in the land allotment records so I can now see how much land that they received. They were also on the annuity rolls, and some of them had the maiden name of the married women, which is helpful! I then as able to find them on the 1891 census. I was able to get copies of them all but I need to spend more time looking at what is all included in the records. Here are a few examples of Mary Elizabeth Hurd (nee Wilmet) found on the records.

Citizen of Potawatomi Land Allotments from Treaty of 1887. FHL Film 1036363 Item 1 pg. 62

Citizen of Potawatomi Annuity Rolls. FHL Film 1036363 Item 2

Citizen of Potawatomi 1891 Census. FHL Film 1036363 Item 3

A side fact is that the Potawatomi tribe was separated into different bands. Most tribes had different bands within a tribe. The two bands that seem to be in the same area as my family are the Citizen band that live in Oklahoma and the Prairie band that live in Kansas.


  1. What a great find and to get maiden names is even better. I liked looking at the documents. Pretty interesting. Do you know more about how the land allotment works as well as the annuity rolls?

  2. Awesome find, Chloe! It's always nice to find things, especially on days that you are in a time crunch.
